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One Day of Engaging Ambiguity: April 5, 2018 in Berlin

– How a little step outside your comfort zone makes a big difference –

Why Join Us: Developing the Leader Within You

One of the biggest challenges all leaders face is leaving behind what has worked well in the past – at the right moment. Intentionally engaging ambiguity, at a time of our choosing, helps us to discern between the best course of action and stiff routine.

How The Session Will Help You

Exploring uncertainty works best with similar-interested individuals and guided facilitation. Having worked with friends, clients and mining our own reflection practices, we offer ideas, experiences, practical exercises and two tools to safely step a bit outside your comfort zone. You can choose to see this as an interesting, safe experiment or the beginning of a long-term practice.

In this one-day we will facilitate your guided journey to

  • Recognize when to engage ambiguity, and when “doing what you always do” can be quite okay
  • Increase your capacity to intentionally engage ambiguity depending on the time you can make available and your readiness for change
  • Deepen your creative potential whenever you are faced with new and unfamiliar situations – engaging ambiguity with intention and at your own choosing allows you to be more creative and free

After a short introduction of PL in general, its two principles and six practices, we will focus for the rest of the day on the practice of Engaging Ambiguity.

Our (non-ambiguous) framing

  • April 5th, centrally in Berlin
  • Start with an optional breakfast and some Japanese green tea at 8am
  • Getting-to-know each other, ideas and exchange from 9am-12pm
  • Spacious time for lunch
  • Practical exercises, facilitated exploration & wrap-up 1:30-4:30pm
  • Please pay after the session what feels right to you


The leaders of this seminar, Arvid and Jacquelyn, have a long history facilitating PL learning events. Please reach out to Arvid.John@nvce.eu for details on the event. The location will be shared by email soon before the session, but will certainly be easy to access centrally in Berlin.

